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About Us




Anshu's travel efforts inspired him to explore the gifting industry. The creation of floraladda, a bespoke gifting floral design business, was sparked by years of experience in the gifting and event sector and a natural creative inclination. Painting, photography, and an interest in the arts allowed him an unique avenue to display and express himself through giving. Anshu is adamant that each and every flower has the capacity to manifest itself in a variety of ways. Flowers have the ability to communicate joy, show affection, feel sad when left unattended, and even pass out if they feel undesired or separated. These cheery people were just brought together by &blooms to start the chain reaction of grins, heightened moods, and bundled joys.


The Story of Floraladda

Since Floraladda's launch in 2017, we have been successful in expanding the possibilities for online shopping for cakes, flowers, gifts, and more, as well as making it much more convenient for our consumers. We provide you an unique selection of treats and door-to-door delivery services that are so dependable, you won't have to worry after the purchase is placed. Our six-year adventure has seen its share of highs and lows. Floraladda went from taking baby steps to racing quickly to become one of the most reputable online portals for gifts, flowers, and cakes.

one stop-solution for everyone’s gifting needs!


To be the first gifting choice in India and a household name.


To provide each customer with superior gifts and outstanding service.

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